Aqarmap real estate technology

Design by
Ezzat Kamel

Art Direction

Mar 2012

Aqarmap is a prominent real estate technology company that operates in Egypt. The company offers a comprehensive online platform that connects buyers, sellers, and renters in the real estate market. Aqarmap provides users with a user-friendly interface where they can search for properties, view listings, and connect with real estate agents.

The platform also offers valuable tools and resources such as property valuation, mortgage calculators, and neighborhood information. Aqarmap has revolutionized the real estate industry in Egypt by leveraging technology to streamline and simplify the property search and transaction process. With its extensive database and innovative features, Aqarmap has become a go-to platform for individuals and businesses seeking to buy, sell, or rent properties in Egypt. The company’s commitment to providing a seamless user experience and reliable information has made it a trusted and highly active player in the Egyptian real estate market.

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